At Mary Bailey Head Start in Georgetown, Tyrone Brown, popularly known as “Mr. T,” is a treasured teacher by both the children and the staff. Recently, the Gonzales family sent in a letter of appreciation for Mr. T’s kindness while teaching their two oldest sons.
Here’s an excerpt from the Gonzales family’s letter to Mary Bailey Head Start about their experience with Mr. T.
“I have had the privilege of having Mr. T as a teacher to two of my three sons at Mary Bailey Head Start. It’s almost become a right of passage in our home. My 3 year old son always asks if it’s his turn to be in Mr. T’s class, and I have to explain to him that he’s not old enough yet. He can’t wait to have Mr. T as his teacher. I appreciate Mr. T being a great male role model to my sons. They were always excited to go to class to show and tell toys, books or details about their weekend to him. The few times that I was able to volunteer in their classes, I always admired the kindness, patience and interaction Mr.T had with all of his students. Both of my sons respected Mr. T, and I always enjoyed when they came home, they learned colors, numbers and letters but they also learned structure and kindness.
In my opinion, my second son has always had a problem being focused and with hyperactivity. He was an extremely picky eater and would not even allow foods he did not like to be placed on his plate. Mr.T was patient with him and slowly showed him that he could simply say, “No, thank you.” My son would come home from time to time and tell me that he had tried new foods. He may have not liked it, but I was proud of him for trying. I know Mr.T had a lot to do with that.
Hopefully my youngest son will get to experience the teachings from Mr. T. He will be moving to Mary Bailey next year. I love the experiences all three of my sons have had with all their teachers and staff at Mary Bailey but I know the boys will never forget Mr. T. He will always be an unforgettable teacher to them.”

“Mr. T is an amazing teacher. This is just one family’s take away from experiencing him in their lives. We appreciate Mr. T and are proud to have him working for our agency and Head Start program,” said Lynore Samford, OWBC’s Director of Head Start.