This month, we would like to introduce you to our Volunteer Spotlight on Beth Griffith. Beth discusses what it is like to volunteer for Meals on Wheels in Taylor and shares why it’s important to her.
Right: LaTuan Williams, Beth’s daughter Anna Cathryn, and Coach Cobia prepare supplemental items for seniors.
Q: How long have you been delivering Meals on Wheels?
A: It has almost been a year since I began delivering for Meals on Wheels.
Q: Why did you decide to volunteer for Meals on Wheels?
A: This past year, my youngest child went off to college so I knew I would have some time to give back to my community in a different way since I no longer had kids in sports or school activities. I was looking for something but I just didn’t know what it was until Coach Cobia called and asked if I might be interested in volunteering for Meals on Wheels. Instantly, I knew this was the program for me.
Q: Why do you think Meals on Wheels is important for seniors living on their own?
A: This program is incredibly important for seniors living on their own. Many recipients don’t have a way to get to the store or don’t have a support system in the area that can lend a hand so Meals on Wheels fills that void. Often, we are the only people that the recipients see during the week. We are filling a need for food but it is so much more than that.
Q: What is your favorite part about volunteering for Meals on Wheels?
A: When you begin Meals on Wheels, you know that you are meeting a physical need for food. However, as time passes by, I have been building a relationship with them from week to week. You really begin to care about them and look forward to seeing them each week. I love standing on their front porches and visiting with them and learning about their lives.
Q: What would you tell someone interested in donating to or volunteering for Meals on Wheels?
A: I would highly encourage anyone that has about an hour or so to spare around lunchtime to volunteer for this program. It is a very well run program by our site director LaTuan Williams, the kitchen staff, and volunteers. It takes all of us to make this much needed program a success. If you don’t have the flexibility in your day to deliver, monetary donations are always welcome. The program is mostly funded through private donations and grants.
We are so grateful to loyal volunteers like Beth who have truly gone above and beyond to make a difference in our community. Thank you, Beth and Anna Cathryn!