We understand that many of our community members are experiencing job loss, decreased work hours, and in general, a challenging month. If you are experiencing difficulty paying your energy bill, submit an application for our Comprehensive Energy Assistance Program (CEAP) today.
The Comprehensive Energy Assistance Program (CEAP) is designed to assist low income households in meeting their energy needs. In Texas, we know this can be a challenge–especially as the temperature rises. We help pay heating and electric bills, for those who qualify. We also educate our clients on how to control energy costs, now and in the future, through energy education. CEAP is for any household at 150% of the poverty level, as calculated within the past 30 days.

Any household that has recently lost their income may qualify. We only ask for the last 30 days of household income. Qualifying households, at time of application, will be considered for assistance throughout the remainder of the year regardless of increase in income anytime within the year. Services aren’t always available immediately, so it’s important to submit an application as soon as possible.
Apply Now
Our main office is closed to the public but is open. If you have a completed print application, you may scan it and email it in OR drop it off at the main office via the mail slot at the front door.
You can reach the CEAP staff by phone at (512) 255-2202 and by email at [email protected] . Faxes may be sent to (512) 763-1411.